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© May 2005 Lorentz JÄNTSCHI && Sorana Daniela BOLBOACĂ

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D08 Enzymes and Coenzymes D045762 + D08.811 Enzymes D004798 + D08.811.277 Hydrolases D006867 + D08.811.277.040 Acid Anhydride Hydrolases D017766 + D08.811.277.040.330 GTP Phosphohydrolases D020558 + D08.811.277.040.330.300 GTP-Binding Proteins D019204 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400 Monomeric GTP-Binding Proteins D020559 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.500 ras Proteins D018631 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.475 rap GTP-Binding Proteins D020668 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.400 rab GTP-Binding Proteins D020691 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.450 ral GTP-Binding Proteins D020725 D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.100 ADP-Ribosylation Factors D020727 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.700 rho GTP-Binding Proteins D020741 + D08.811.277.040.330.300.400.462 ran GTP-Binding Protein D020931
D12 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D000602 + D12.776 Proteins D011506 + D12.776.157 Carrier Proteins D002352 + D12.776.157.325 GTP-Binding Proteins D019204 + D12.776.157.325.515 Monomeric GTP-Binding Proteins D020559 + D12.776.157.325.515.500 ras Proteins D018631 + D12.776.157.325.515.475 rap GTP-Binding Proteins D020668 + D12.776.157.325.515.400 rab GTP-Binding Proteins D020691 + D12.776.157.325.515.450 ral GTP-Binding Proteins D020725 D12.776.157.325.515.100 ADP-Ribosylation Factors D020727 + D12.776.157.325.515.700 rho GTP-Binding Proteins D020741 + D12.776.157.325.515.462 ran GTP-Binding Protein D020931