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© May 2005 Lorentz JÄNTSCHI && Sorana Daniela BOLBOACĂ

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D12 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D000602 + D12.776 Proteins D011506 + D12.776.124 Blood Proteins D001798 + D12.776.124.790 Serum Globulins D012712 + D12.776.124.790.106 Alpha-Globulins D000510 + D12.776.124.790.106.100 alpha-Macroglobulins D000511 D12.776.124.790.106.050 alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin D000514 D12.776.124.790.106.085 alpha 1-Antitrypsin D000515 D12.776.124.790.106.118 Antiplasmin D000979 D12.776.124.790.106.125 Antithrombin III D000990 D12.776.124.790.106.214 Ceruloplasmin D002570 D12.776.124.790.106.394 Haptoglobins D006242 D12.776.124.790.106.640 Orosomucoid D009961 D12.776.124.790.106.740 Progesterone-Binding Globulin D011376 D12.776.124.790.106.750 Retinol-Binding Proteins D012177 D12.776.124.790.106.901 Transcortin D014156 D12.776.124.790.106.450 Heparin Cofactor II D015844
D12 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D000602 + D12.776 Proteins D011506 + D12.776.377 Globulins D005916 + D12.776.377.715 Serum Globulins D012712 + D12.776.377.715.085 Alpha-Globulins D000510 + D12.776.377.715.085.100 alpha-Macroglobulins D000511 D12.776.377.715.085.050 alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin D000514 D12.776.377.715.085.085 alpha 1-Antitrypsin D000515 D12.776.377.715.085.118 Antiplasmin D000979 D12.776.377.715.085.125 Antithrombin III D000990 D12.776.377.715.085.214 Ceruloplasmin D002570 D12.776.377.715.085.394 Haptoglobins D006242 D12.776.377.715.085.640 Orosomucoid D009961 D12.776.377.715.085.740 Progesterone-Binding Globulin D011376 D12.776.377.715.085.750 Retinol-Binding Proteins D012177 D12.776.377.715.085.901 Transcortin D014156 D12.776.377.715.085.450 Heparin Cofactor II D015844