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© May 2005 Lorentz JÄNTSCHI && Sorana Daniela BOLBOACĂ |
D12 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D000602 + D12.776 Proteins D011506 + D12.776.503 Lectins D037102 + D12.776.503.499 Plant Lectins D037121 + D12.776.503.499.625 Peanut Agglutinin D019887
D12 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D000602 + D12.776 Proteins D011506 + D12.776.765 Plant Proteins D010940 + D12.776.765.678 Plant Lectins D037121 + D12.776.765.678.625 Peanut Agglutinin D019887