E05 Investigative Techniques D008919 +
E05.318 Epidemiologic Methods D004812 +
E05.318.308 Data Collection D003625 +
E05.318.308.940 Records D011996 +
E05.318.308.940.968 Medical Records D008499 +
E05.318.308.940.968.875 Trauma Severity Indices D015599 +
E05.318.308.940.968.875.125 Abbreviated Injury Scale D015998
E05 Investigative Techniques D008919 +
E05.944 Trauma Severity Indices D015599 +
E05.944.250 Abbreviated Injury Scale D015998
L01 Information Science D007254 +
L01.280 Data Collection D003625 +
L01.280.900 Records D011996 +
L01.280.900.968 Medical Records D008499 +
L01.280.900.968.875 Trauma Severity Indices D015599 +
L01.280.900.968.875.125 Abbreviated Injury Scale D015998
N04 Health Services Administration D006298 +
N04.452 Organization and Administration D009934 +
N04.452.859 Records D011996 +
N04.452.859.564 Medical Records D008499 +
N04.452.859.564.800 Trauma Severity Indices D015599 +
N04.452.859.564.800.125 Abbreviated Injury Scale D015998
N05 Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation D017530 +
N05.715 Quality of Health Care D011787 +
N05.715.360 Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms D017531 +
N05.715.360.300 Data Collection D003625 +
N05.715.360.300.715 Records D011996 +
N05.715.360.300.715.500 Medical Records D008499 +
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800 Trauma Severity Indices D015599 +
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800.100 Abbreviated Injury Scale D015998